Our mission:
The Girlhood Guild is dedicated to establishing a network of women who support, learn from, and enjoy each other's company. While men might have been the only ones allowed to form and join guilds in Medieval times, there's no reason why the craft of being woman should not be celebrated now. After all, women have been leading their own successful collectives and communities since the beginning of history.

We hold monthly Guild events for members and guests alike. From creative pilgrimages around Scotland, to crafting classes, bookshop crawls, and even fancy nights out; there's something for everyone!
Creative Hub
Online, The Guild is open to creative submissions from its members and other creatives. We publish both fiction and non-fiction works on our e-zine and newsletter, helping amplify girl's voices.
At the core of girl friendships is learning from each other. Every few months, our events centre around sharing knowledge on women and gender issues. Because knowledge is powerful and obviously so are girls.
Friendship Network
Making friends as an adult is HARD. When you join the Guild or come to an event with us, you get a chance to meet like-minded women you can form long-lasting friendships with. Who wouldn't like that?